Connected to God

Connected to God

With a normal Sunday on hold, much of my purposeful Bible study needs aren’t there any longer. Now I have to learn to study the Bible because that’s what I want to do. That’s a whole new norm for me. I don’t have a directed study purpose right now. I will admit it’s strange and I feel a little lost in the purpose of my Bible study.

Really Good at Being Small

Really Good at Being Small

I was reading an article this week by Carey Nieuwhof, he made a statement that really got me thinking. If you’re a small church get really good at being small… and personal. I had to chew on that a bit, because every small church wants to be big.  Look big.  Act big.  The books and blogs are all focus on being big;  Doing what the mega churches are doing.  Of course, we read that, get discouraged and give up, or just as bad, try poorly to look like a mega church.

A Thanksgiving Thought

A Thanksgiving Thought

Well, tomorrow is national “wear expandable pants” day.  Otherwise known as Thanksgiving. It’s a day associated with parades, family, the biggest meal of the year, football and sadly now includes shopping. Most of us look forward to the feast that is bigger than our stomachs can handle.  Oh, we’ll give it a valiant try, but there is so much good food that we end up more stuffed than the turkey!

5 Advantages of a Small Church

5 Advantages of a Small Church

Let’s begin with a confession; I admit that I MIGHT get a bit jealous of the big churches every now and then. When I have gone to visit my kids who attended large churches, I would walk around coveting… um, admiring all the facilities, resources, staff, singing, electronics and so on. Being a small church minister makes you very aware of all the things out there you DON’T have. So, as I write this, I remind myself about some of the benefits of a small church.