How do I get involved in a ministry of the church?
We believe that being involved is a very important part of the spiritual life of our congregation. It’s good for you and the church and builds connections. There are many ways to get involved and help the church be “church”. Covid has put a damper on some of our efforts, but there are still many we are able to do. Here is a sample of serving Inward and serving Outward.
Serving inward includes:
Bible class teachers and helpers. JOY hour leaders and helpers. Preparing communion. Maintenance around the building. Visiting our elderly, shut-ins and those who are sick.
Christmas Baskets for Shut-Ins
life groups all take on a service project
serving outward includes:
Our local and global missions teams. Benevolence team. Outlet ministry. Preschool. Helping Hearts ministry, clothing give away and much more.
If you would like to be involved in a ministry, please see Jim or one of the deacons.
Winter Coat give away