Connected to God

Connected to God

With a normal Sunday on hold, much of my purposeful Bible study needs aren’t there any longer. Now I have to learn to study the Bible because that’s what I want to do. That’s a whole new norm for me. I don’t have a directed study purpose right now. I will admit it’s strange and I feel a little lost in the purpose of my Bible study.

Really Good at Being Small

Really Good at Being Small

I was reading an article this week by Carey Nieuwhof, he made a statement that really got me thinking. If you’re a small church get really good at being small… and personal. I had to chew on that a bit, because every small church wants to be big.  Look big.  Act big.  The books and blogs are all focus on being big;  Doing what the mega churches are doing.  Of course, we read that, get discouraged and give up, or just as bad, try poorly to look like a mega church.