Rochester Church of Christ

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Study notes for sermon "Godly Stress Management"

QUESTION: What are some major stresses people are dealing with today? What are some ways people deal with stress?

We all are dealing with stress in our life.  Stress is pretty much unavoidable.  What we have to learn to do is manage the stress.  there are some things Jesus did that Christians can add to their lives to help manage stress in a Godly way. I want to stress Godly way, because many of our stress relief strategies aren’t always very Godly.

QUESTION:Did my idea of Jesus dealing with stress all his ministry surprise you?

When you think about it, it does make sense.  Our problem is that we usually think of Jesus more in his God state that his human state while he was here on earth.  Scripture tells us he was just like us in every way.  So stress had to be a very real part of his life.

I addressed several principles of stress management that we can learn from Jesus.  We’ll discuss some of them here.

QUESTION Why does knowing who you are at your core matter for dealing with stress in your life?

Jesus had a very clear view of who he was.  By not losing sight of that central point.  He was able to deal with so much because he realized who others thought he SHOULD be didn’t matter.

When we lose the sense of who we are, we have no internal anchor to keep life from spinning us out of control.

QUESTION How does 1 Pet 2:9  help you remember who are are?

1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) — 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.


QUESTION The second principle was know where you are heading.  What have you learned about the loss of all the activities in your life these last few week and figuring out what really matters?

I have often preached and taught about focusing on the right priorities in life and if I’m being honest, I feel shut down most of the time.  I can’t tell you how many discussions I have had with people where I hear “I’m really learning what really matters in life.” Pop up somewhere in that discussion.

Jesus told us where to focus as Christians in Matt 6:33Matthew 6:33 (NLT) — 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Another principle I mentioned was seek a place of peace.

QUESTION How does having a special quiet place/time and prayer help manage stress in your life?

Maybe one of the few good things about this virus and our lock down is the fact that it has forced us to slow down as a people.  When we have slowed down, we have had time to mediate and be still and hear God in our life without all the noise around us.

The most important and most difficult principle was Give your stress to God.

QUESTION Why is that so hard for us to do?

The soldiers on the march analogy I used really resonates with me, because I am a control freak and I don’t like to give things up.  When I have learned to do that, especially my stress to God, I have life so much easier to get through.  My problem is every time I give it up to God,  find myself starting to take it back.

QUESTION How has giving your stress to God helped in the stressful times of your life?  What can you share with those that haven’t been able to do that yet?

I really want to encourage you to think through this sermon.  Maybe go back and listen to it more intently and make real plans how you can put these principles into your life on  a day to dad basis.

It’s not easy, but It’s so worth it once you put them into practice.