Rochester Church of Christ

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study for Overcoming Loneliness sermon

Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

Opening and prayer time

 Passage guide: 2 Timothy 4:5-18

What are some things that cause loneliness in a person?

On a scale of 1-10 where would you rate your loneliness right now?

Share a time when you were really lonely

Name some Bible people who seemed to be lonely and what triggered the feeling

Had you ever thought of this passage in 2 timothy in the light of Paul being lonely before this sermon?

How does that change the way you read and understand the passage?

Jim gave 5 ways to overcome loneliness:

  • 1.    Recognize God is there

  • 2.    Maximize God’s strength

  • 3.    Use you time, don’t wallow

  • 4.    Sympathize with those in need

  • 5.    Glorify God’s deliverance

Did one of these solutions jump out at you? Why?

 Recognize God is there: READ Romans 3:39 and Hebrews 13:5

How does knowing God is always there help alleviate loneliness?

Maximize God’s strength: READ Phil 4:13

Many people really love this verse.  What does it mean to you in light of facing loneliness?

Use your time, don’t wallow:

Paul found things to keep him busy.  Why is that an effective tool in overcoming loneliness?

Sympathize with others in need:

Paul talked about the gentiles who needed to hear the gospel.  He sympathized with their dilemma. How does that effort help us deal with our loneliness? Who are some people we could sympathize with?

Is sympathy alone enough, or do we need to try do to something about those we sympathize with?

Glorify God’s deliverance: READ 2 Timothy 4:17-18

How could Paul glorify God’s deliverance when it hadn’t happened yet.  And in reality, he died during this imprisonment?

How do we glorify God’s deliverance in our time of loneliness?

Closing thoughts and prayer