study for Living Past Our Mistakes
What are some of the mistakes people make in life?
Is there a difference between mistakes and sin? Explain your answer
Does the fact the Bible shares the “warts and all” version of people’s lives help you to relate them? Why?
Do you wish you had a spellcheck for life or do you feel your mistakes just add more character to your life?
What do you think about Jim’s assertion that Samson wasn’t a very Godly man?
How can someone be raised in a Godly home not develop a Godly life?
Is it really possible to move past all the mistakes in our life? Don’t some shape the rest of our life and we can never get past them?
READ Romans 8:1-2
How does this passage play into your ability to live past your mistakes?
Jim talked about several ways to move past your mistakes
· Learn from your mistakes
· Choose your friends wisely
· Take God seriously
· Never give up on God
Discuss WHY each of these are important to moving past our mistakes.
If God always forgives my sins, why do I need to learn from my mistakes?
is 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 a good principal to follow or a spiritual mandate for a Christian?
How does the level to which we take God seriously affect our day to day lives?
Despite all the mistakes Samson made, he was still listed in the Hebrews 11 hall of fame. (Hebrews 11:32-34)
How can God use a person who has made mistakes in their life?
As you reflect on your own mistakes and think about the discussion from the last question; how does that help you LIVE past your mistakes?
How can God work through YOUR mistakes?